Today I received a new demo of the song. It doesn't have added vocal melodies or vocals but I really like how it sounds so far.

Screenshot of how the song looks in FL Studio so far.
Listening to this new draft has given me new ideas for my animatic and I am going to draw them out ready for the crit on Thursday.
Here is what Kowa intends to add next:
-Still, need to do mixing on some of the individual instruments before I fully render the track, this will be saved for the very end.
-This draft is in its rough stages; the musical direction may shift and instruments can be changed later on.
-Might pitch the melody down depending on the range of the voicebank. If the vocal range does end up being an issue, I will have to wait until the very end of the entire process to pitch the individual instruments and samples down, so hopefully, it doesn't come to that
The lyrics are not yet done due to the vocals being generated with a vocal synth. Kowa doesn't want to make progress with them now just in case things change later and she has to re-render vocals and remake the midi base. However, in my animatic, I will include where verses, bridges and chorus' are on screen.
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