(Inception Poster, 2010)
Exposition - Cobb and Arthur are extractors. They use experimental tech to steal information from peoples subconscious. After an unsuccessful mission to extract information from Saito, a Japanese businessman, the same target reveals it was a set up for a job.
Inciting Incident - Saito tells them about the job, and tells them that if they succeed, Cobb will be granted immunity for his precious crimes, which means he will be able to see his children again. They accept the job to enter a man named Fishers subconscious to plant an idea in his brain, known as Inception.
Plot Point 1 - Cobb finds a new architect since he can't build anymore. He is concerned his subconscious in the form of his wife Mal will attack his friends if he builds. Ariadne, the new architect, is attacked while learning about the tech and leaves, but Cobb says she will be back.

(Inception, 2010)
Obstacles - Team gets fully assembled and Saitos job goes under way. In the first dream layer they are attacked by fishers trained subconscious. Saito gets shot and if he dies he could call into Limbo. In the second layer, Cobb convinces Fisher that he is his dream defense and persuades him to join the team to battle his subconscious. They enter a third dream to gain access to Fishers emotional attachments.
Plot Point 2 - Fisher is killed by Cobbs subconscious Mal. SO Cobb and Ariadne go into Limbo on purpose to rescue him. Cobb confronts Mal and fisher and Ariadne leave limbo while Cobb goes to rescue Saito.
Climax - Fisher back in the dream ventures into the vault in his mind to confront his father and find peace. The missions succeeds and Cobb finds Saito and reenters reality with him.
Resolution - Everyone awakens from the dreams and Saito grants passage back to his home. CObb goes to see his children.
Inception Poster. (2010). [image] Available at: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51ShRC1YMrL.jpg [Accessed 22 Oct. 2018].
Inception. (2010). [DVD] Directed by C. Nolan. United States: Syncopy.
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