1. Mulholland Drive features references to other genres, including the Cowboy character who is from westerns and is extremely stereotypical of the genre.

2. The plot of this film is non-linear and it jumps between different realities, time periods and characters.

3. Continuing from the last point, it is also fragmentary. When we find out that Bettys world was a dream, the events of the film in Dianes reality start to feel disconnected.

4. The theater scene contains Fabulation, its outright stated when the owner of the club says "Its all in your imagination". He is literally telling us that this sequence is not real, and everything in the movie that follows proves that. The dream Betty is in isn't real either, but rather a world dreamt up by Dianne.

5. Bettys view of Hollywood is pastiche. She views it as a magical world where stars are born, however when we're out of the dream and back in Dianes reality we are shown the opposite. Both of these views are shown in Hollywood movies, however one more so than others.
enjoying the images too!