Monday 18 June 2018

Personal - Vocal Synth Designs

Since I joined the vocal synth studio as a volunteer, I've been experimenting with the same program they use to make my own vocal synth characters. I probably won't take them too far. But I'll try to develop one and see how it goes. These are the characters I have for now, plus different Modules for different "voice types".

Thursday 14 June 2018

Personal - Pride Month Studio work

For the last few weeks, I've been working with an Indie "vocal synth" studio called Studio Ogien to produce this Pride art in celebration of Pride Month. The work I do for this studio is completely voluntary for now, but its good to expand my horizons in the future. They also gave me permission to upload this to my blog.

The criteria for the piece was a lighthearted mood, showcasing the four main girls of the group. I put forward the idea of a Pride festival, with the four main girls celebrating a "teaser" of one of the new girls (which is in the form of a finger covering the lens) and I also asked the other members of the studio, if they wanted their own characters put in the background to flesh the scene out. I also planned the scene out to be like a snapchat photo.

Original Sketch