Thursday 30 April 2020

Major - Katherine - Animation Rough Blocking Pass 1

I've been blocking out some of the key poses. It's not much progress yet, but I wanted to upload this to show that I've started animating Katherine's scene and am making progress.

Saturday 25 April 2020

Friday 10 April 2020

Major - Elisadora Head Modelling #1 - Finished Rough Blocking Through to Brow

Rough Blocking

Rough Blocking

Using Katherine as Mesh Comparison as I build

Finished Blocking


Mouth against Orphos


Building Nose

Finished Nose Before Resculpt and Retopo

Fixing topology


Mesh so far

Friday 3 April 2020

Major - Alekos - Head/Face Rigging Progress #1 - Finished Jaw Rotation and Cheek Thinning

 Teeth and Tongue added and rigged, Jaw rotation added to premade facial controls, Cheek Thinning Blendshape done.
Currently working between Eye Blink Rig and Breeze Blendshapes.

Major - Environment Modelling #2 - Captains Quarters Table Done, Laying out rest of scene

Been laying out the scene and the scales of objects ready to make a quick pre-vis/animatic for Katherines scene. The table is finished modelling with the map on top and a jar of ink. I still need to model the windows, chair and add definition to walls.