Saturday 5 October 2019

Minor - Initial Ideas

I've been looking into high concepts and trying to come up with my own (though i am struggling a little), and this is what i have so far:

"Fighting Game (like Smash or Street Fighter), with characters based very loosely on existing premises. I’d focus on the design of each character and their personalities (maybe making 2 or 3 total), 3D model, rig and skin them and animate their move pool as a final outcome for major. It would be set in a futuristic or Post Apocalyptic future.


  1. Alice in Wonderland (fairytales in general?) but it's set in a Post Apocalyptic future.
  2. Cinderella but it's set in the 1950s.
  3. Seven Deadly Sins but they’re pirates.
  4. Romeo and Juliet, but they’re Demons in opposing Mafia.
  5. Red Riding Hood, but she’s an assassin tasked to kill the wolf.
  6. Esmerelda from the hunchback of Notre Dame, but she’s a hunter/archer.
  7. Wendy from peter pan but she steals/manipulates shadows
  8. Hansel and Gretel witch hunters"

Another Idea I've had is based on an old college project (that back then in my youth i lovingly called cloudland).

The basic premise of it is as follows:

"In the world of Guelliera, there is an alienated race leading a revolution against the masses. Hired by the main kingdom, our heroes (a group of pirates assisted by the Queen's guard) set off to end the revolution and stop countless of innocents from dying."

The setting would be fantasy, with magic and non-human (but still humanoid) races included. Over the summer I did do some initial sketches into what some of the characters could look like.

From left to right we have:
An uptight grumpy elven mage, right-hand man to the captain and quartermaster of the ship.
Captain of the main pirate fleet, elven in nature and ruthless.
A seductive but no-nonsense rare human mage.
The head of the Queen's guard, very smart and always has a few tricks up her sleeves.
The newest addition to the Queen's guard, another elven mage who hides a dark past.
The boatswain for the ship, fun-loving and rarely takes anything seriously.

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