Friday 4 October 2019

Minor - Project Update

As annoying as this is to do and as much as I don't want to do it, I'm reluctantly changing my project and starting fresh for third year. After talking to Alan it was decided to drop my previous project due to lack of progress and the fact that it would be hard to do animatic work and pre-production work while also doing production work. It's not practical and would cause time management issues in the long run.

After a very quick chat with him, it was decided my best approach would to be to work toward a goal of short vignettes for a group of characters. Therefore he's instructed me to look at High Concept as a starting point since I struggle with coming up with world ideas.

High Concepts are basically pitches for films, games etc that describe the premise of a story in one line.

Some examples:
Treasure Planet is just Treasure Island but in space.
Princess and the Frog is The Frog Prince but set in New Orleans.

Alan has suggested that I come up with some of my own High Concepts as a jumping off point which I can then use to create an idea and characters for a series of vignettes.

Right now I want to create characters for a kind of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat inspired game idea. A series of characters that look visually appealing and have their own unique personality and movements that would fit with the world. The vignettes would be a small compilation of their move pool.

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