Tuesday 12 November 2019

Minor - Palette Exploration

In terms of the palette I know I want the base outfit to be kind of "dull" with neutral colours while the coat (since it represents the Queens Guard) would be the most eyecatching detail while still fitting with the outfit as a whole. I think row C is too pastel for my liking and doesn't really fit her. Row B has slight royal connotations with the purple since back in the days of old purple dye was very expensive and only used by royals. D I think is too colourful, but could be balanced out. Overall I think A1 and A 7 are my favourites, and with some minor tweaks, some of row B could look nice too (specifically if I replace the teal/red or A1 and A7 with the purple and yellow from row B.)


  1. Hi Annie - Is your character Human or did I misread that?...Thoughts on the skin colour?

    1. She's Human yes. I think the skin color suits the palette well

    2. Being Human and the hero, your character is the 'eyes of the audience'. If you go too 'alien' in terms of skin colour you may compromise that. You have other races to explore more unique skin colouring, having an 'unrecognisable' human skin could confuse that set of characters in the audiences mind. That just an opinion, and of course you can have a mixed skin colour (who knows where she is from?), but it would be beneficial to go with something more 'of the Earth' rather than alien too it. Hope that makes sense.

    3. I think the skin color is fine. She's not alien or unrecognisable as a human, she's just black. I think if i made her skin lighter she looks too washed out, plus Justin and other peers said they think it suits her too.

    4. Annie - I have a suspicion something is happening here that means we're seeing different things. Her skin is more purple and green on my monitor in most cases. The skin doesn't read as black in 90% of your drawings. Hence the 'Alien' explanation and the confusion. Sometimes that happens. Is your drawing pad a Mac or are you drawing in CMYK?

    5. That's fair enough. I use procreate on my ipad to draw. and to do most of these I did some gradient maps in photoshop (hence why you might be seeing the skin colors differently to me). I didn't mean for her to come across as alien at all to be honest but i guess it just happened. Her skin color is meant to be like the first 3.
