Monday 4 November 2019

Minor - Story Polishes

I've been talking back and forth with Alan about the rough story from my previous post and we've polished the rough story a little more.


World Lore/Backstory:

Long before people walked Solumna there were two ancient elemental races, called the Lumen and the Umbra. The Lumen represented the light and all that was good. The Umbra represented the darkness and the potential for bad. After millennia alone, the two races began to create life to populate their world. The group of light, Lumen, created the Eleva, gifting them with the ability to control nature. The group of darkness, Umbra, created the Grimm, gifting them with the power to destroy. The two creators coexisted in peace, keeping balance and watching as their creations grew and populated Solumna.

As time passed the ancient ones grew older. The time was coming for them to pass onto their next existence. As their strength diminished they became unable to fully control the world. The balance of peace began to change. The Grimm had grown stronger and darkness and destruction were falling over the land. The Eleva looked towards their ancient creator for help. In desperation, the Lumen used ancient ‘ethereal magic’ to try to return balance. However, fearing the loss of their creation, the Umbra countered, summoning ‘deep magic’. Their combined magic covered the world and laid waste to the land. The remaining Grimm fled to oceans, the Eleva, to the mountains in fear.

The ancient ones reviewed the destruction. Their once-thriving world now laid bare and scarred with their careless actions. Full of regret and in one final desperate act, both Lumen and Umbra combined the last of their powers, agreeing to create a neutral race to inherit and protect the world. They called them Humans. They were given no powers and no knowledge of what had transpired.
The ancient ones passed on and thus, a new era began on Solumna...

Option 1:
...Remnants of the ancient one's magic are discovered by Humans. Recognising these as powerful and destructive, they are hidden away and forgotten by time. That is until rumours start to spread to the sea and the mountains.

Option 2:
…However, the Umbra left one last “gift” to their Grimm in spite of their agreement. A powerful relic that would bring back the Umbra reset the world for the betterment of the darkness.


In the present day in this world, the powers are rarely found and Grimm and Eleva are near extinction. Only a few remain, alienated on an island and in the mountains, far from society.

The story takes place in this present-day world (1600 setting) where two groups are looking for the relic left behind by the ancient ones. One is a group of pirates, hired by the Queen of (Humans - Does she have additional knowledge passed down through the ages) for this task in order to bring the relic under protection so it doesn’t fall in the wrong hands. The others are a group of Grimm and a group of Eleva, the last of their races, searching for the relic/magic left by the ancient ones. Their leaders want the relic/magic to bring back the ancient ones and revive their races.

Races (Not Characters):

Humans: Normal people, no natural magic. A neutral race.

Eleva: Similar to humans. Their skin is different hues of blue, pink and purple, infused with the magic the Lumen left behind.

Grimm: Look similar to humans except they have skeletal features and are tall and skinny in comparison to humans. Very few exist and those that do work together to study their ancestors of the group of darkness.


My next step is to work on world-building rules. Such as locations, time period, clothing, technologies and how things work. I already have the history and the races but not how they live and where. I also need to work on characters and their traits and flaws. So far in this story and it's history there's the Lumen, Umbra, Queen, the main protagonist, and the antagonist leaders of the Eleva and Umbra respectively.

Obviously, I won't be creating, designing and modelling all of these characters for the project, but I want to have a basic idea of what they're like for the basic story. The ones I'll be developing the most for the project will be the main protagonist and the two antagonist leaders.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie - okay great. Seems like things are off and running. One way to think about what your designs (the final product / submission) is to see like a toy/play set thats come to life (animation)...for example, buying an action figure that comes with vehicle/prop/diaramma. You just happen to be animating that too. That's basically what Leo's animation was. Hope that makes sense.
