Tuesday 10 October 2017

@Phil Invisible Cities - Sophronia Asset Concepts

 2 different color palettes of some assets

2 quick color palettes of exterior city shot

quicker asset drawings in my sketchbook

Since my OGR Feedback, I've been experimenting not only with the color scheme of the funfair part of Sophronia but also the style of the buildings that would be there. Jordan suggested I look at the shapes of a circus to bring in as buildings. The tents being houses, helter skelters as tall apartment buildings, Maybe a Ferris wheel or two as hotels. Ball shapes could be used with different patterns as buildings too.


  1. Hey Annie - just dropping by to say... please upload your images nice and big! Your blog works best if it's super visual - so make it image driven and make your images impactful. (These are teeny!)

    1. Oh sure! But this theme has a feature where you can click on them and you can scroll through them better. But i'll make sure to upload them bigger next time :)
